“If only the world knew what people in the world know!” Our collective inability to put together what we know endangers our finances, our climate, and our health. Global Policy will not provide a blueprint for global governance, but it is an important step toward coherent thinking with a global perspective.

The need for a high-quality, multi-disciplinary journal focusing on problems of global policy has never been greater. This new journal promises to fill a very important lacuna in our intellectual landscape.

Global Policy promises to set the standard for serious, policy-relevant thinking on global issues.

Global Policy is an exciting new journal and it promises to provide a vital forum for the world's best minds to reflect on challenges and opportunities in our global age.

I and many other observers see the world changing dramatically around us - from technology, from geopolitics, from economic and financial turbulence, from the rise of the rest. We figure the best global thinking needs to be joined up across fields. Yet others might still disagree on both hypotheses. Regardless, Global Policy is the right journal for our times, and what will emerge from its pages will inform debate of global significance.

I would like to commend you for taking this important initiative. The world badly needs innovative solutions, involving both the public and private sector, to a wide range of pressing global challenges. To that end, a journal that brings together the world of academics and practitioners is most welcome.

The global economic crisis has shown once again why even the largest nations need global cooperation to formulate policy. The world is ready for ‘Global Policy.’
I think that this initiative gives a fresh, helpful and innovative way of looking at the current global world. Bringing together the analysis of academics and the expertise of practitioners is needed today more than ever.